Ch.   24-   No   Title   Available

Nota Bene: this is chapter 24...just have the wrong title up there! sorry for the confusion. After Caesar noticed it, Caesar leads his troops under into the nearest hill, and he on horse back sends an envoy (?) who was to sustain the attack of the enemy. Meanwhile, Caesar drew up for the veterain legions in the lines of battle half way up the hill as thus above. He ordered on the highest ridge, which he had conscripted it lately in farther Gallia and he order all arms to be place together. Thus in this way he completes the whole mountain from the numerous enemies.

Meanwhile, he orderd the baggage to be collected in one place in this location and to be foritified away from these, which they had been ordered in superior line of battle. The Helvetians with all their followed carts, collected the baggage into one place. After our cavalry having been rejected, the Helvetians, with a phalnax having been made, went up to the frist line of battle.

I Wanna Go Home
