wher*e | do* | you* | wan*t | to* | go* | to*day[sit*e | o*ver*view]
con*tac*t | me
wel*come | to* | the* | no*n | se*qui*tur | pa*ge
I'm a college student now!
(13 December 2000): Okay...I think I'm going to overhaul this page
over winter break b/c I want to make cool anime pages about myself. (God, I'm conceited) I've been making small corrections here and there. So just browse around. ^__^
(19 October 2000): Holy Cow I haven't updated my page in over a year. I'm thinking about taking a html class or learning it so that I can totally revamp this page. It sucks...it has no graphics and I want to be just as good as Rebecca or Cath. ^___^ Anyway no "major" updates, just that I'm alive and this page isn't dead. Totally dead at least. Oh yeah! I'm a college student now! Go Bruins!
over*view | of* | the* | sit*e
Just remember: This site is eternally under construction!!!
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